3 research outputs found

    Studieren lernen : Arbeits-und Lerntechniken, Prüfungen und Studienarbeiten 2

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    This thesis is a study of the renormalization operator on Lorenz αmaps with a critical point. Lorenz maps arise naturally as first-return maps for three-dimensional geometric Lorenz flows. Renormalization is a tool for analyzing the microscopic geometry of dynamical systems undergoing a phase transition. In the first part we develop new tools to study the limit set of renormalization for Lorenz maps whose combinatorics satisfy a long return condition. This combinatorial condition leads to the construction of a relatively compact subset of Lorenz maps which is essentially invariant under renormalization. From here we can deduce topological properties of the limit set (e.g. existence of periodic points of renormalization) as well as measure theoretic properties of infinitely renormalizable maps (e.g. existence of uniquely ergodic Cantor attractors). After this, we show how Martens’ decompositions can be used to study the differentiable structure of the limit set of renormalization. We prove that each point in the limit set has a global two-dimensional unstable manifold which is a graph and that the intersection of an unstable manifold with the domain of renormalization is a Cantor set. All results in this part are stated for arbitrary real critical exponents  α> 1. In the second part we give a computer assisted proof of the existence of a hyperbolic fixed point for the renormalization operator on Lorenz maps of the simplest possible nonunimodal combinatorial type. We then show how this can be used to deduce both universality and rigidity for maps with the same combinatorial type as the fixed point. The results in this part are only stated for critical exponenta α= 2.QC 2011062

    Short Takes: Intelligence-Service Psychology: A German Perspective

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    To date, four German volumes in the series Intelligence-Service Psychology (Nachrichtendienstpsychologie) have been published. These volumes generated interest in both the German and non-German speaking communities. It was therefore decided to translate some of the basic articles of the series into English (Litzcke, Müller-Enbergs & Ungerer, 2008), making them accessible to a wider range of readers. This article contains abbreviated versions of the articles in the book

    Evaluation at the Federal University of Applied Adminstrative Sciences

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    Dulisch, Linssen und Reiter (2001) legten ein umfassendes Evaluationskonzept für die FH Bund vor. In den zehn Fachbereichen und im Zentralbereich der FH Bund erfolgt/e eine Diskussion, Modifikation und konkrete Anpassung an die Belange vor Ort. Dieser Prozess wurde in einer Evaluationtagung an der FH Bund im Juni 2003 gebündelt. Die Tagung zeigte, dass alle Fachbereiche und der Zentralbereich Fortschritte machen, wenn auch in unterschiedlichem Tempo. Dieser Band dokumentiert den Status Quo der Evaluation in den Fachbereichen und dem Zentralbereich und folgt damit § 6 Hochschulrahmengesetz (HRG), wonach die Arbeit der Hochschulen bewertet und das Ergebnis der Bewertung veröffentlicht werden soll. Inhaltsübersicht: - Evaluation an Fachhochschulen - Überblick - Empfehlungen des Benchmarking Clubs - Evaluationstagung der FH Bund 2003 - Zentralbereich - Allgemeine und Innere Verwaltung - Arbeitsverwaltung - Auswärtige Angelegenheiten - Bundesgrenzschutz - Bundeswehrverwaltung - Finanzen - Landwirtschaftliche Sozialversicherung - Öffentliche Sicherheit - Gesamtkonzept - Öffentliche Sicherheit - Abteilung Kriminalpolizei - Sozialversicherung - Wetterdiens